Falling in love....

There´s only one word in my life right now AMAZING
There´s only one feeling inside of me LOVE

Sunshine and happiness is taking over my heart and my soul and I never want to feel anything but this again...
I used to run, I was the one who didn´t believe
The one who didn´t trust anyone, and wanted it to stay that way... forever...
You were the one who created chaos in an already messed up life
But this time it was in all the good ways
You were the one who broke all those high walls that surrounded me

For the first time ever in my life I´m ready to totaly loose control, let you in and maybe even confide and trust in you...
Whatever difficulties we both been through, it has now reached an age when happiness leads us both..

I'm ready to let you near, ready to bare my soul. I'm ready for you and me

Never thought I could feel such security with someone, as I do with you.
You heal me, my heart and my soul
and I heal for each day that passes

Thanks for that you have led me to believe

Now it is just to overcome the next fear, and everything will be just amazing

you are the reason for the smile on my lips M

//Bella ♥

Postat av: Kanske kommer du ihåg mig

Jag snubblade över din blogg idag...har ju haft chansen att träffa dig ett antal gånger. O du är ju en riktigt fantastisk person. Tror nog jag läst hela din blogg idag. Fastän ja skulle egentligen göra massa annat. Kommer ihåg när jag sa till dig att jag gillade det där du sa med o följa sitt hjärta. Det gör du ju oftast men sen finns där ju mycket tvivel också. Önskar dig en Varm nyårskram och ett fantastiskt kommande år.

2010-12-29 @ 15:36:24

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